Mobile app design and development

Mobile solutions development in Android, iOS and Windows phone.

As part of Bizart’s business expansion, and given the experience gained in development projects, we have decided to direct our effort towards the development of mobile applications, especially for companies who lack the knowledge and do not have the budget to develop an application that shows their company services on mobile devices.

Our aim is to offer every client the possibility of having their corporative mobile application present in the online application stores.

Among all the services we have designed, we highlight the following:

  • Business analysis adapted to the mobile world (consultancy)
  • Complete correlation between your website and your future web application
  • Maintenance and administration of your applications in the different markets where it is published
  • Multiplatform development

Our goal with multiplatform development is to implement cost optimization strategies so that small companies can have a mobile application designed in the latest technologies: iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry. For this, we have experts in the development of applications through platforms that can implement only one source code and obtain the application in several mobile systems.